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  • MY HOME WORK | 決戰時刻-廣告設計 印刷噴圖 電腦維修

    #廣告招牌設計 #LED超薄燈箱 #LED字幕機 #高雄招牌施工 #無接縫抗颱招牌 #3M無接縫招牌 #立體鈦金字鐵殼字不鏽鋼字 #無邊發光字 #發光燈箱字 #壓克力水晶字泡棉字 #壓克力燈箱製品 #關東旗布條旗幟 #大圖輸出施工 #廣告帆布輸出施工 #高雄台南屏東全國招牌廣告 #大型帆布廣告 #烤漆金屬字 #店面形象重新規劃設計 #連鎖加盟招牌 #設計 #價目表 #LOGO設計 #專業印刷 #燙金打凸軋型 #雷射切割CNC MY HOME WORK We have taken every step along the way and treated every work with care. Taiwan is beautiful because of you. There is no work that cannot be done at the decisive moment, only whether you want to do it or not. Lithography Luminous characters x Fine characters x Craft characters Advertising signs Acrylic letter x Aranno letter Kabu Light Box | Ultra-thin frameless light box first choice Canvas Advertising Acrylic products Small sign Human figure stand Packaging color box x bag UV high transparent PVC Synthetic board KT Large image output Handwriting Banner x Kanto flag x banner x door curtain x hanging flag Envelope x Red Packet Clothing printing x process Advertising Design Computer Repair Sales Monitoring x Switchboard x Weak Current

  • 聯絡我們 | 決戰時刻-廣告設計 印刷噴圖 電腦維修

    高雄廣告招牌,防疫壓克力,開店一條龍,電腦割字,招牌,名片,型錄,大圖書出噴畫,各式布條,壓克力製品,海報DM,帆布,燈箱,複寫聯單,MENU,造型鐵殼字, LED 立體字,紙袋,紙盒 Contact This is your Contact section paragraph. Encourage your reader to reach out with any questions or comments.

  • 決戰時刻-廣告設計 印刷噴圖 電腦維修 監控總機 旅遊規劃 | 招牌廣告印刷設計施工

    決戰時刻-廣告設計 印刷噴圖 電腦維修 監控總機 旅遊規劃,廣告招牌設計,LED超薄燈箱,LED字幕機,高雄招牌施工,無接縫抗颱招牌,3M無接縫招牌,立體鈦金字,鐵殼字,不鏽鋼字,無邊發光字,發光燈箱字,壓克力水晶字泡棉字,壓克力燈箱製品,關東旗布條旗幟,大圖輸出施工,廣告帆布輸出施工,高雄台南屏東全國招牌廣告,大型帆布廣告,烤漆金屬字,店面形象重新規劃設計,連鎖加盟招牌,設計,價目表,LOGO設計,專業印刷,燙金,打凸,軋型,雷射切割,CNC,高雄廣告招牌,防疫壓克力,開店一條龍,電腦割字,招牌,名片,型錄,大圖書出噴畫,各式布條,壓克力製品,海報DM,帆布,燈箱,複寫聯單,MENU,造型鐵殼字, LED 立體字,紙袋,紙盒 Treat every work with care. Taiwan is beautiful because of you. There is no work that cannot be done at the decisive moment, only whether you want to do it or not. We provide professional signboard advertising printing design and construction services, integrate marketing resources, plan and execute, so that the brand has vitality and competitiveness, and gain public recognition and resonance. Diversified products can add highlights to the business image. Let us turn your creativity into reality together! DESIGN x WORK Services Lithography Luminous characters x Fine characters x Craft characters Advertising signs Acrylic letter x Aranno letter Kabu Light Box | Ultra-thin frameless light box first choice Canvas Advertising Acrylic products Small sign Human figure stand Packaging color box x bag UV high transparent PVC Synthetic board KT Large image output Handwriting Banner x Kanto flag x banner x door curtain x hanging flag Envelope x Red Packet Clothing printing x process Advertising Design Computer Repair Sales Monitoring x Switchboard x Weak Current What I Do Lithography x Hot Stamping Luminous characters x Fine characters x Craft characters Advertising signs Acrylic letters x Acrylic products x Alanno letters Kabu Light Box x Various Light Boxes Large image output Clothing printing x process Banner x banner x hanging flag x Kanto flag Computer x Monitoring x Switchboard x Weak Current Travel Planning x Tour Bus

  • 如何在各軟體轉存PDF | 決戰時刻-廣告設計 印刷噴圖 電腦維修

    手機:0986946808 ADD:台灣。高雄苓雅 建國一路74-25號 No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • 最新消息 | 決戰時刻-廣告設計 印刷噴圖 電腦維修

    一直一直 這城市需要決戰時刻😎😎😎 ,用心對待每一件作品,台灣因有你而美,沒有決戰時刻不能做的工項,只有想不想做。 整合市場行銷資源,規劃、執行,促使品牌具有生命力與競爭力,獲得大眾認同並產生共鳴。 About I'm a copywriter, content consultant and self-professed story fanatic. I love juggling words and creating unforgettable narratives for brands. ●●【裁切公告】裁切尺寸小於3公分一律無法裁切,有任何問題請洽當區業務。 ●●【做稿公告】請客戶注意,在CorelDraw排稿,點陣圖都務必再轉過一次點陣,避免跳圖。 ●●【大圖公告】大圖檔名請標示輸出解析度及材質(油性或水性)。 ●●【印件公告】貼紙類未備註材質一律以高黏貼輸出,海報類100P未備註材質一律以雙銅輸出,請客戶注意。 ●●【加工放數】後加工均有耗損,合版名片與海報加工後成品若需足數,請於檔名上備註【需加放數】,放數數量與價格請洽業務(建議每一道加工放數為成品數量之3~5%)。 ●●【傳檔須知】檔案名稱即為印刷下單條件,若檔案名稱與檔案內容標示不同,一律以【檔案名稱】做為印製條件,不得有議。 ●●【決戰時刻公告】檔案請註明公司+名稱+尺寸+材質+印刷或噴圖種類與數量。 ●●【決戰時刻公告】星期日公休,要取件或者有急件請提早。 ●●【決戰時刻公告】傳檔後請來電告知。 ●●【決戰時刻公告】下午五點後為隔日件,請配合提早傳檔。 What I Do Lithography x Hot Stamping Luminous characters x Fine characters x Craft characters Advertising signs Acrylic letters x Acrylic products x Alanno letters Kabu Light Box x Various Light Boxes Large image output Clothing printing x process Banner x banner x hanging flag x Kanto flag Computer x Monitoring x Switchboard x Weak Current Travel Planning x Tour Bus

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